It's been a few weeks since I visited my blog. Christmas and New Year seem like a delightfully distant memory. I'm writing this while sitting on my back verandah waiting for inspiration to land on my shoulders. I know I should be inside tiding the house or something boring like that but if I'm going to procrastinate I may as well do it out here. Lots of ideas are popping into my head. What better way to get the creative juices flowing.
One thing I have been doing is digitizing my Dad's old slides life in Altona in the 1950's and 60's. I thought you might be interested to see us at play. I reminded me of all fun we had in those easy going days. These are rare photos as we usually went to the beach on out own. I'm only guessing that Dad must have decided to cross the road and take some photos. Sometimes he came swimming with us but then went home for a nice cold beer .Can you guess which one is me? don't you just love our cossies!
These photos reminded me of how lucky we are, so on that really hot night I went for my first swim at the beach for ages. We rode our bikes down, went for a swim and had dinner in the park. It made us feel like tourists in our own town. Sometimes I think you can live in a town for so long that you no longer see it throught the eyes of outsiders. The park was packed with families escaping the heat, playing together and enjoying the fun of the beach. We should all do that more often. Get out of our air conditioned boxes and enjoy what we have at our fingertips.
We'll be going to see Joe Camilleri at Logan Reserve with a group of friends. You should all come along with your drinks and picnic baskets. It should be a great afternoon of good music and great friends. Make the most of summer, it's not all about work.
If anyone is interested I'll start popping more of Dad's old photos on my blog. I can't believe how many he took.